Divine Spiritual Principles – Hermes Trismegistos Thot



These principles are eternal. This principles influence everything.

1. The principle of spirituality:

“The One is everything; everything is the One. “

2. The principle of correspondence:

“As below so above; As above, so below.”

3. The principle of vibration:

“Nothing stands still, everything is in constant motion”

4. The principle of polarity:

“Everything has two poles, opposites are identical.”

5. The principle of rhythm:

“There is a time for everything, everything swings.”

6. The principle of cause and effect:

“Every cause has an effect, every effect has a cause.”

7. The principle of gender:

“Gender is in everything, everything has male and female principles, gender manifests on all levels.”

Spirit can be changed, from state to state, from level to level, from location to location, from pole to pole, from frequency to frequency.

All universes are spiritual.

We are all Spirit – Soul – Body

We are all Free – Divine – Complete

To connect our Spirit, Soul and Body to the unity of our Christ-Body the “Light Healing” and “Reconnecting to your Soul” is a great tool.


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