إبرَاهِيم ܐܒܪܗܡ אַבְרָהָם
About Oliver
Hello "I am" Oliver. Here and now 49 years old.
Early in my life, I was aware, that the only constant in my life is the permanent change. That is why I always did and will evolve in freedom.
After I found my LifePlan or SoulPlan and the way to it, it is a great joy for me to mentor others to find their LifePlan or SoulPlan.
I am the Master of the Light, the Truth and the Love.
With the words of Yeshua, I encourage you to explore and find your Self.
- I am the Truth
- I am the Life
- I am the Way
- I am the Love, the Love I am
Now start with your Self and learn to Love your Self as the Being that you really are.
Esch nom de vei kata - the devine is awakend inside of you.
Mentor to JHWH - (J)oy, (H)appiness, (W)ealth, (H)ealth
through Self-Empowerment, Self-Responsibility and
Family Background
Married to Heike Kaldenbach
Together we have 3 daughters
Engineer in Energy Science
Financial Consultant
Ancient Master Healing Practitioner
SCIO-Biofeedback Practitioner (IAQT Certificate No: 3479)
Reconnective Healing Practitioner (Certificate)